O u r h i s t o r y


We are a family business in the Aconcagua valley, linked to agriculture for a lifetime, therefore today we are in the third generation.

Product of the work of our father Julio Ernesto Zenteno V. Who was linked from a very young age with the agricultural and livestock activity. Initially, he was a great collaborator of his father. When he had the necessary experience and financial capacity, he became independent

Our history

A b o u t u s

Later he married our dear mother, Mrs. Clara Ramírez M, with whom with sacrifice and effort they acquired the properties of Las Casas, Santa Griselda, El Molino and El Sauce.

After our father passed away, we (3 children) acquired Santa Clara, Don Erne and La Ermita. These last located in the commune of San Esteban, province of Los Andes.


M i s s i o n

As AGRICOLA DON ERNESTO LTDA, our mission is to stay united and follow in the footsteps left by our father, Mr. Ernesto Zenteno V. and our mother, Mrs. Clara Ramírez M, and to commit ourselves to preserving and producing good quality fresh fruit, under the demanding requirements of international markets, introducing technology to improve finished products.

Work team

M e e t o u r c o l l a b o r a t o r s

Fernando Polanco M.

Production manager

Omar González G.


Carola Vergara V.

Certification department 

Iván Carvajal P.

Accounting and finance department


T h r o u g h o u t o u r h i s t o r y


The beginning

The story begins with the marriage of our parents, Ernesto Zenteno Vergara and Clara Ramirez Mendoza

Building the Agrícola

They acquire the first lands to produce, fruit of the effort and work of both.

New challenges

The first table grape vines and stone plantations are built

First Harvests

The first boxes of grapes are exported and the peaches are harvested for preserving

New challenges

It is organized in a family way to work the species in production

Important events

The family business Agrícola Don Ernesto Ltda is born. In memory of our father, with the aim of conserving, growing and producing the lands that our parents left us.